Planet Explorers Wiki
Hoolock Gibbon
Hoolock Gibbon
Type: Defensive
Location: Grasslands
Ver 1.1.3

The Hoolock Gibbon is a small, monkey-like creature that can be found in open spaces.


Hoolock Gibbons tend to congregate in troops of 4-9 individuals and roam the land during the day. They are often attacked by Lepus Hares, but are capable of fighting off or even killing them, particularly when attacked while in a troop. They have a ranged attack which consists of throwing a rock. If a fight is going badly for them and most of them are killed, the few survivors turn to flee.


They rarely yields animal products, so there is not much point in hunting them. In packs they can be quite dangerous to a poorly armed character.


Beta 0.3
Item Amount Notes
Meat Icon Meat 8 - 13